There you have to use the opening and the closing disks continuously, which means that when your disk is not working, you have to make it work by closing it. Use continuous closing and opening the disk for the solution So before using the disk, you can use a cloth like the dusting and clean the disk, which results in better working. That does not disturb the disk, but it can also not damage and clean it. You have to clean the disk the problem is that when you use the disk, you have to clean it thoroughly with tissue or a soft cloth. The marks are very dangerous for the disk and do not allow it to work properly. These spots can also cause damage to the disk if you want your disk good, then clean the disk. The disk only works when there is no mark, no spot on it if you observe any spots, you have to clean it. There are some marks on the disk that do not allow the disk to work, and the Xbox displays the error that there is no disk. Blow some air whether sing anything of your choice. The solution to this problem is that you have to blow some air in the tray and the disk both there may be any moist or other things that can be eliminated by using the air blow air blow is a very simple and easy step that is used for the removal of the moisture from it. It would help if you always aired the machinery this is the best way that the machinery does not get worse when you do not give it air this may get damaged and create an issue. Sometimes your disk and the tray both need airing you have to give them air that is very good for them to work. Tray needs the airingĪnother reason behind that problem is the tray needs airing, this airing you may say that necessary for the disk. The solution to that problem is to take the torch and the disk and place the disk in the whole light and where it needs the insertion. This is the big reason behind the error: you do not place the disk carefully in the exact place. Place the disk carefully in the tray, and remind that the incorrect insertion is not good for the disk to play data. The proper insertion of the disk in the tray is very important if you want to play the data otherwise, not even that data play, but it can also display the error that there is no disk.

Sometimes you are in a hurry and place the disk hurriedly in that situation, your disk is not placed completely in the Xbox, which displays that error.

If Xbox is giving the error that there is no disk, place the disk which place you always use to insert. If these are the reasons, what do you do about it. 1.4 Use continuous closing and opening the disk for the solution Xbox 360 not reading discs says open trayĮvery problem has many reasons behind it, and I will tell you about these reasons and their solutions.